Everyone wants to create a great impression in front of others by showing the office or while meeting for the first time. So, this phrase is completely fit with most of the things, whether it is interview, office or in day to day life. So, if talking about the corporate culture reception area is the most important thing. And if talking about the reception area reception desk is the most important part.
Every company needs to have a reception desk where the clients will be greeted and all. So, it acts as a symbol of the company. And the reception desk should be nice and spacious and create a good impression on the client when they first enter into the company.
Reception desk:
In the short term, the reception area is the face of the company. It is the link between the clients and the office and in the reception area reception desk is the most important thing in the office. The first thing clients will notice while going to the office is the reception desk. So, it should be eye-catching and fascinating. Reception desk [เคาน์เตอร์ต้อนรับ, which is the term in Thai]is like the business card of the company where clients will come and ask about meetings and whom to meet and all.
The main task of the reception desk is to greet the clients interacting with them and answer the queries. So, in a manner, the reception desk is the voice of the organization that the client will hear for the first time while entering into the office.
Things to consider while buying the reception desk
- It should be cost effective.
- Stylish design that matches the company.
- Height of the reception desk.
- Storage option.
- Material used.
- Take a proper measurement before buying, because it’s not a small thing.