There’s a common misconception that the weight we gain when we reached our later years is a permanent burden we have to deal with for the rest of our lives. Although there is some truth to that, the reality is, there are proven ways for you to lose those gains, especially the infamous menopausal muffin top.
Once you hit your 40s, you may start to recognize menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings. While this is not something worth worrying about as it’s a natural stage for women, the number on the weighing scale could be alarming for your health.
According to studies, this increases your risk for heart disease, some cancers, brain fog, and mood swings. Thus, if you are experiencing chronic symptoms such as aching joints, chest pains, reduced range motions, and other autoimmune symptoms, it’s best to consult with medical professionals immediately. You may also seek proper diagnosis and ask for referrals if you need hormone therapy, care for rheumatoid arthritis, diagnosis for possible diabetes, and other medical conditions related to increased hormonal imbalance.
Get a sufficient amount of daily exercise
Consider performing tasks that will require you to lift, push, and pull. Start with a combination of moderate and strenuous exercise to burn off the extra weight of menopause. It is recommended that you perform biking, swimming, jogging, and brisk walking together with resistance training to form a regimen. Doing this type of exercise more frequently will significantly impact your performance now and in the future.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that people should engage in at least two hours of moderate physical aerobic exercise each week. It is also recommended to have two days per week of muscle-strengthening activities that target all major muscle groups, such as the hips, belly, chest, shoulders, and arms. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be at the same level of performance as you were in your prime; thus, it’s vital to reexamine your body’s capability as it has an entirely new metabolic profile and a shrunk amount of wiggle space.
Be a mindful eater
Your body shifting to the menopausal stage may pose additional challenges for losing weight. However, certain eating habits may be more beneficial than others. A study found that, on average, women who religiously followed the lowered carbohydrate meal plan have experienced less weight gain with their postmenopausal status. At the same time, a diet that was mostly made up of 60% carbohydrates resulted in more weight gain.
Fat adds flavor to our meals; it helps our food taste better. If you don’t want to avoid or entirely cut out this ingredient from your meals altogether, you can opt for the ‘good fat’ instead and have them in your diet guilt-free. All you have to do now is learn to be more selective. For example, olive oil, almonds, and other nuts are all excellent sources of health-promoting, non-trans fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, all beneficial fats— such as those found in avocados— contain the same amount of calories as an ice cream sundae.
Follow a healthy sleeping regimen
Insomnia is one of the most prevalent symptoms of early menopause and the final menstruation period. Studies show that the average length of time women go through perimenopause lasts up to four years but may also extend to up to a decade. When you’re unable to sleep well, you’re not capable of going on a fitness schedule, and as a result, you don’t receive any therapeutic benefits. The older you become, the more critical it is to get enough sleep, especially when you’re trying to remove your menopausal belly.
Because sleeping with food in your stomach is disruptive to your sleep, you should not eat before bed. A good practice is finishing cooking dinner, doing your nightly routine, and going to bed on or before 7 p.m. It will discourage you from snacking late, which will, in turn, help you obtain healthy rest and keep your weight in check.
Most women in their menopausal years experienced unexplained weight gain, especially around the hips and waist area. Lowering female hormones results in changes to body fat distribution, with fat deposited primarily in the abdomen. Unfortunately, our stored fats are determined mainly by our genes and hormones, so we can’t deliberately choose to lose weight in one location only. However, even if you don’t manage to reach your ideal body weight, your healthy lifestyle delivers many other significant benefits, such as physical well-being and better life expectancy.