Whether you are an entrepreneur running an office or a homeowner managing their house, you need to know the number of relevant establishments. They’re both for convenience and safety, and frequently both. Here’s a quick list of the numbers you should most definitely have and some that would be nice to have at the ready as well.
Here are some of the establishments and services you need in your emergency contacts. You want this ready at all times, posted near your phone, stored in your smartphone contacts, or posted near your company phone if you own a business.
Your Emergency Contacts: First and foremost, you want the numbers of the people you trust the most at the top of the list. This is particularly important if you have any health issues that need addressing. Should anything happen to you, these people would know what to do and would have the appropriate response. You want to inform them that they’d be your emergency contacts, of course, since you don’t want to surprise them with an emergency call out of the blue.
A General Emergency Hotline: Everyone knows 911 already, but it still helps to remind you that such a number exists. Teach the number to your younger relatives, and make sure that they know how to dial it. You’ll be surprised by how many lives are saved because their children dialed 911.
The Nearest Hospital: This one goes without saying, but you want to have the nearest hospital’s contact information. Even without health issues, you may need emergency medical attention. Having your local medical center’s number on speed dial can increase the chances of survival, as well as make sure you remain healthy.
Local Police Stations: Even if you live in a very safe place, it’s still a wise idea to have your local police station number. If there should be anything amiss, you want to have the proper authorities at the ready. This is a number we all don’t wish to call but still need to have at the ready.
Plumbing Services: Plumbing issues happen way more often than we want them to be, and if you experience such a problem, you want to have emergency plumbing services at the ready. That’s why keeping their contact information accessible is also a good idea. You never want to be in a position where there’s water spewing everywhere, and you can’t call the plumber.
Electrician: Alongside the plumber’s number should be your local electrician’s number. Our world today uses a lot of energy, and should this energy source have complications, it spells a lot of problems that can completely paralyze your day.
Veterinarians: This one only really matters if you have a pet, but if you do, then you know how important the vet is. Sometimes, our furry little friends can be too overzealous and hurt themselves badly in the process of playing. While we never want that to happen, we also need to be prepared in case it does.
Additional Essentials
While these contact information might not hold as much importance as the ones above, they’re still really nice to have. And should you find yourself in a situation where you need to use them, it’ll be a blessing to have their information ready.
Locksmiths: It’s not just when you’re locked out of your house (but it’s the most common scenario). You can also hire locksmiths to do minor lock work on your home, baggage, and even duplicate keys for you.
Handymen: Keeping a home or an office requires a lot of work, and sometimes, things break. You want them fixed fast when they do break, and a handyman can do that for you.
Food Service Numbers: This one is more for sustenance than anything, but if you don’t want to cook, you better have your local restaurant’s number at the ready. Fortunately, there are a lot of food delivery apps today, saving you during emergency parties and get-togethers.
Utility Company: Be it water services or even an internet connection, you want to have your local utility company’s number at the ready. Interruption of services can be annoying, and you want (and even sometimes need) them fixed fast.
Friends and Neighbors: This one is more for safety since many things can happen. Having your nearby friends and neighbor’s number can help you help them, should you notice anything wrong with their house- and vice versa, of course.
Having these numbers doesn’t make you a worry-wart. If anything, it just proves you’re responsible. Hopefully, you don’t have to call these numbers immediately, but it’s best to be prepared for anything.
Meta title: In Case of Emergency: Important Phone Numbers You Need to Contact
meta desc: Business owners, homeowners, or just your all-around regular citizen needs to know essential contact numbers, especially in emergencies. Here are a few to help you out.