Snoring and Teeth Grinding: Preventing Them in Your Sleep

People are unaware of what happens in their sleep, so they count on someone else to know if something is wrong. Suppose you have experienced being told that you snore or grind your teeth in your sleep — or you know someone who does. In that case, it would be best to seek medical help. Snoring and grinding your teeth can be indicators of underlying health issues.

However, in most cases, they are not signals of severe conditions. Snoring is usually caused by blocked nasal airways, sleep deprivation, or the position of the sleeper. Whereas teeth grinding, or bruxism, is generally caused by anxiety, stress, or dental abnormalities. Although other factors may affect how a person sleeps, not everyone might be convinced that they need medical attention. 

Unfortunately, someone experiencing teeth grinding or snoring in their sleep might not wake up in a desirable condition. A person snoring could have sleep apnea, a condition where a person snoring stops breathing for some time in their sleep. On the other hand, a person grinding their teeth could wake up with a painful jaw or damaged teeth. Aside from seeking medical attention, the following solutions can help reduce the pain caused by these conditions. 

1. Night Guards

Custom-made mouthguards are a standard solution to the problem of teeth grinding. If there are issues with the dental framework of someone’s jaw, it can be helpful to have a night guard to guide the development of their teeth and prevent them from grinding against their own teeth. A night guard will be molded for it to be made to ensure that it matches the teeth of its user perfectly. 

Night guards are an efficient way to protect the teeth of a person experiencing bruxism. If they do not need medication or surgery, it is also a cost-effective way of reducing the chances of toothaches or any other issues caused by teeth grinding. They can also double in purpose whenever the user takes part in high-impact sports like boxing or basketball. Some night guards can also help lessen the chances of snoring by readjusting the jaw or your mouth’s opening when you sleep. 

2. Nose Plugs

Doctors usually recommend using nose plugs for those who have snoring issues. They come in many forms and are usually made of plastic. The primary purpose of nose plugs is to open up the airways in your nostrils so that you can breathe better. Not everyone is a fan of surgery, which is a more permanent solution to snoring. 

Nose plugs help in this way by being a temporary solution. People experiencing snoring or sleep apnea can use them to sleep better. Instead of waking up with a painful jaw or a headache or waking up every few hours from being unable to breathe, nose plugs allow a person suffering from these to sleep better. 

They usually come in a little container that people can bring to sleepovers or when they are out on the road for a business trip. It is a simple solution to help someone sleep better and aid those sharing a room with them. Nose plugs minimize loud snoring. Even though snoring may not be eliminated, it is minimized. The person experiencing snoring will sleep better and wake up in a better situation than without the nose plugs. 

3. Chin Straps

When the mouth is open, as air passes through your mouth, your vulva vibrates, and this leads to snoring. To prevent air from entering through a snorer’s mouth, one can wear chin straps, which are used to keep the jaws shut. This reduces the chances of someone making flapping sounds with their mouths when they snore. 

Even so, chin straps are not effective for everyone. For someone with issues of snoring that stem from their diet or the shape of their nostrils, using nose plugs, a night guard, or even getting surgery might be a better option. Otherwise, if the person finds airflow through their mouth, chin straps are a reasonable solution. 

Beyond these devices, it would still be best to schedule a consultation with the proper healthcare professional. The underlying causes of snoring and teeth grinding can only be resolved if you are aware of them.

The ones mentioned here are temporary solutions to a permanent problem you or a loved one might be facing. A permanent solution might be more expensive and taxing for the snorer or teeth grinder to go through. But if it means better health and well-being for the person involved, consider what solution they must utilize.

Meta title:How Can You Solve Snoring and Teeth Grinding in Sleep?
meta desc: Grinding your teeth and snoring may indicate underlying health issues. It can also disturb you and those living with you. Learn how you can address them.


David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.