Workplace Sexual Harassment: Know Your Legal Rights and Options

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Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature that can affect the employment of the victim because of their submission to or rejection of the conduct. Also, if the conduct unreasonably interferes with the work performance of an employee or creates a hostile environment, it is considered a form of sexual harassment. If you think you have been sexually harassed at work, you may have legal recourse. Consult a Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Charlotte to know your legal rights and options. 

Understanding Workplace Harassment

Unlawful workplace harassment can be either quid pro quo harassment or hostile work environment harassment. Quid pro quo harassment happens when a conduct leads to intangible change in the employment status of the employee in question or benefits. For instance, this form of harassment can have the employee terminated, demoted, or deprived of promotion opportunities. Meanwhile, hostile work harassment can create a work environment that the employee can find abusive, hostile, or intimidating. Typically, workplace harassment is a series of acts, although isolated cases may also be considered a form of harassment if the behavior is especially offensive. Additionally, some forms of harassment are performed because of an employee’s age, sexual preference, disability, and marital status. Sexual harassment can contribute to a hostile work environment. This includes making rude comments about a worker’s look, gawking at an employee in a sexually suggestive way, telling sexual or vulgar jokes, and sending or forwarding letters, notes, and images with sexual connotations. 

Employer Liability for Harassment

If a supervisor harasses you at work which results in your termination, loss of wages, or failure to get a promotion, your employer can be held liable for the conduct. If the harassment leads to a hostile environment, your employer can avoid liability by proving that they tried to prevent and promptly correct the harassing behavior and the worker failed to take advantage of the employer’s preventative or corrective opportunities. Moreover, liability may also fall on the employer if the harassment was performed by regular employees or non-employees they have control over. 

If you were subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, you should not fear reporting the conduct. Keep in mind that employers are prohibited from retaliation against any person who makes a report of harassment. A reputable sexual harassment attorney can investigate, prepare, and litigate your employment sexual harassment claim. They will give you compassionate advocacy as well as dedicate themselves to stopping the harassment and seeking full compensation for you. 


David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.