Owning a car entails numerous responsibilities, especially as you share the road with various kinds of motorists and even pedestrians. Traffic laws often vary from each state, but one thing is certain, and that is to ensure safety when you are out on the streets.
However, following the rules of the road is not a guarantee that you will be free from accidents, particularly minor ones. These situations can arise at any time and anywhere, even in driveways and parking lots.
Minor car accidents usually entail more damage to the vehicle rather than the driver, but it doesn’t mean that you get to walk away unscathed. These small blunders can cost you a hefty price tag in car repair, not to mention you also have to ensure the safety of the other person involved.
If you happen to be a ridesharing vehicle driver in California, this can result in inconvenience not only to you but to your passenger as well. In such cases, hiring a rideshare accident lawyer in Placentia can help you determine your company’s liability and settle the matter to receive just compensation.
Likewise, if you are in LA and don’t have legal representation, a Los Angeles personal injury attorney list can help you choose the best lawyer suited for the job.
After the accident, you need to jot down important information from the scene as these will be required in making a police report. This document might be requested in court and by the insurance company.
You need to note the contact information from the other party and witnesses if there are any. Asking the other individual involved if they have an insurance policy also is crucial in these circumstances.
A small vehicle blunder is a hassle most people tend to avoid. However, it would be best if you are prepared when these events arise. Provided below is an infographic on what to do after a minor car accident.